Michael W. Lucht – Research

To see my Google Scholar profile, click here.


A copy of my paper:
      Size Selection and Adaptive Evolution in an Artificial Chemistry
      Artificial Life, Spring 2012, Vol. 18, No. 2, Pages 143-163
      © 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
      http://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/artl .
can be downloaded here.


Please note that the email address listed in the paper no longer works. If you would like to contact me, please use: info@michaelwlucht.com


Additionally, click here to download BTL version 1.1, the software that was used to derive the results presented in the paper. (The zip file also includes the data sets from the paper.) The easiest way to use the file is to import it as an existing project into an Eclipse Workspace.


To help you get started:

  1. Many experimental settings can be changed in the property files. The parameters are described here. The experiments from the paper can be loaded via the “Load” menu. To modify the experimental parameters, copy one of the properties files in the “properties” directory and call it “default.properties”. Each time BTL starts, it looks for this property file and if it exists loads its settings.
  2. One can use the mouse scroll bar to zoom in & out and the view can also be dragged. (Zooming in too much causes memory exceptions – which can be recovered from by zooming out again. A bug to fix!)
  3. Running BTL in fast mode (without display) is a LOT faster than with display turned on. Press the fast forward button.
  4. The data sets used in the paper are to be found in the “ExperimentData” directory. Data from new runs will also go there. During a run, the log file is continuously updated. When the run is stopped, a set of statistics files is created. (These can also be created without terminating the run via the “ExportData” menu while the program is paused.)
  5. Finally, for any questions, please drop me an email: michael_w_lucht@hotmail.com

Change Log

Initial release: Version 1. (The version used for Experiment 1 in, “Size Selection and Adaptive Evolution in an Artificial Chemistry”.)

Changes in Version 1.1: (The version used for Experiment 2 in, “Size Selection and Adaptive Evolution in an Artificial Chemistry”.)

  • Bug fix: the log files now record January as the 1st, not the 0th month. (Likewise for the other months.)
  • The menu is modified to allow the loading of three versions of Experiment 2.
  • Not a program change, but included datasets for Experiment 2 are different from the one included in version 1.